



外城岸 The Outer Defensive Wall

  前清防禦工事,堆土夯實築造之土堤。從白砲台附近繞過沙崙庄,至港子平公司田溪畔,蜿蜒綿延約兩公里餘。因該土堤立基於沙崙地,坡體較為脆弱,加以多處已被闢建為民宅、道 路、墓地等,幾乎已難見原貌。 據張崑振2015年之調查,僅殘存太子宮、沙崙停車場、百姓公,以及後備學校等4個區段可以尋覓土堤樣貌。尤其是後備學校段保存較為完整。這4段土堤高度從3米到4米不等,寬度則從25公尺到36公尺不等。由於1884年10月8日法軍登陸戰相關史料中,並未有外城岸之記載,唯光緒11年(1885)春三月據傳聞繪製的「滬尾形勢」圖,首次出現外城岸部署,但1888年地圖卻無之。推測或係法軍登陸失敗後,清軍為加強防備所構築,日後又陸續補強而成?(文:張建隆)

  Fortifications built during the Qing Dynasty. The embankment of rammed earth stretched for over two kilometers from Fort Blanc past Shalunzhuang to the bank of Gongsitian River at Gangziping. Being on sand dunes however meant the embankment was less resistant to erosion. Many parts have also been turned into private homes, roads and cemeteries so little of it remains intact today.

   A survey conducted by Kunzheng Zhang found only four sections of the earthen embankment can be seen now at Taizih Temple, Shalun Car Park, Baixing Temple and the Reserve Mobilization and Management School (RMM School). The RMM School section in particular is relatively well preserved. The four sections range from 3 to 4 meters in height and their width ranges between 25 to 36 meters.

   The Outer Shore Wall is not mentioned in any of the records related to the French landing on October 8, 1884. They first appeared in the Hobe Map drawn in the Spring of 1884 based on local stories but are not shown in the 1888 map. The embankment may have therefore been built by the Qing garrison after the failure of the French landing and fortified even further at a later date. (Text: Chang Jian-long)