金目港仔濕地 Wetland Mudflats
The water source of the wetland mudflats known locally as Jinmugangzi may have been located near Gongshitian River. The source is hard to pinpoint today as the upper reaches of the river were paved over to construct the athletics field at Tianshen Elementary School. The wetlands once stretched as far as Zhonglun, running from the athletics field of Tianshen Elementary School to Wadianbi. Only a section of it remains today. The wetlands turn back into a river after passing through the water gate at Wadianbi to flow into Tamsui River where the Coast Guard Administration is located now. The wetland mudflats were more than 30 meters wide and formed a natural obstacle to all passage. After landing at Shalun Beach on October 8, 1884, the French advance was blocked here by Qing troops and they exchanged fire across the wetlands. The 1500m long frontline that eventually developed was the most unusual feature of this battle . (Text: Jian-long Chang)