滬尾偕醫館 Ho-be MacKay Hospital
This was the first Western-style hospital in northern Taiwan and was built by Rev. G. L. MacKay in 1879. MacKay came to Taiwan in 1872 and made Ho-be (Tamsui ) the base of his missionary activities. He went on to establish more than 60 churches throughout northern Taiwan in just 30 years. MacKay was both a missionary and a physician. When he first arrived in Tamsui, he set up a clinic in his home. As the number of patients grew, he moved his clinic to rented premises. His medical efforts were aided by Dr. Ringer, the Customs medical officer, Dr. Fraser, a Canadian missionary and others. The Mission Hospital was eventually built with the help of donations from Mrs. MacKay of Detroit, U.S.A.
The Hospital treated a number of Qing wounded during the Sino-French War of 1884. On August 16, two soldiers badly wounded during the Battle of Keelung were brought to Tamsui for treatment. After the French bombarded the Qing defenses at Ho-be on October 2, eight wounded soldiers were brought to the Hospital for treatment. A further 120 Qing soldiers were brought to the hospital for first-aid on October 2 after the landing. After the battle, General Sun Kai-hua personally visited the Hospital to express his gratitude and make a donation. (Text: Chang Jian-long)